The heart is an organ that is very important, because the function of the heart is to pump blood around the body and hold them back after cleaning lungs. This means that the function of the human heart is as a tool or a blood-pumping organ in humans. At that time the heart to provide enough blood and oxygen supplied to the entire body, as well as cleanse the body from the metabolism (carbon dioxide).
So as to carry out the functions of the heart collects oxygen-deficient blood from the entire body and then pumps it to the lungs, the blood in the heart by way of taking in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. At the heart of oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to tissues throughout the body pumped man. That is why the heart is very important, because if one day your heart stopped beating, it means you are ready to be buried.
Here are some tips from fiyday to prevent heart disease:
Do not buried heartache
Emotions were arrested from a broken heart, too sad, to hostile and anger, can lead to blockage of the aortic heart you are similar to the effect of cholesterol oxidation, metal poisoning, insulin, and blood thickened and sticky.
sounds trivial, but with laughter can lower stress hormones that can damage blood vessels. When you're stressed, the heart received a larger dose of adrenaline. This can lead to heart rhythm abnormalities and increased stickiness of platelets that ultimately resulted in the narrowness of the arteries.
According to research by the University of California women with higher levels of vitamin D have an increased risk of heart disease doze 31% lower than those that vitamin D is low. Vitamin D also can minimize plaque in blood vessels. You can get vitamin D easily and cheaply by way of basking in the sun in the morning before 10:00 for 20-30 minutes.
Consuming chocolate
Chocolate is the most popular foods all men, although many also avoid chocolate for fear of obesity. But behind the delicious taste of chocolate turned out beneficial for reducing the risk of heart attack. But the question is the type of chocolate Dark Chocolate because mnegandung flafonoid and magnesium which can reduce levels of bad cholesterol. Dark chocolate also contains antioxidants to counteract free radicals. Make sure you consume Dark chocolaye containing 70% cocoa to benefit.
Exercising such joghing, brisk walking, swimming, and cycling can provide the best exercises for your heart. We must regularly exercise because the heart is a muscle that needs to be practiced on a regular basis. Peneletian New England Journal of Medicine said that by doing light path sellama 2.5 hours a week, you can cut one-third the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Seafood consumption
Omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood can lubricate your heart. It can reduce the risk of cardiac arrhythmias, high blood pressure and blood clotting.
Sufficient sleep
Ideal sleep time is 7-8 hours per day. People who sleep less than 5 hours smalam prone to mineral buildup of calcium in the coronary arteries which can burst at any time and cause heart attacks and strokes.
Quit smoking
Chemicals contained in cigarettes can increase cholesterol in heart. Start from now quit smoking for a year after you stop smoking, your risk of heart disease decreases 50%.
These are some tips that can be given fiyday. May you become more active to keep your heart healthy.
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