Insomnia is a disease that makes people hard to sleep on time. So the sleep cycle so irregular.
Causes of insomnia are also all kinds of foods including daily consumption. Some foods may make it easier drowsy, while others can actually cause insomnia.
The food may not be as fast acting drugs, but the habit of eating the wrong foods can also lead to chronic insomnia.
Foods that help us sleep at night can stimulate the production and release of certain brain chemicals and can cure insomnia. Meanwhile, the food that keeps us awake late often makes our body to rest. It is thanks to the inclusion of energy before bed can disrupt sleep-wake cycles are normally a result of insomnia is getting worse.
Here are some foods that can help facilitate a person to sleep. These foods can also provide relief for insomnia problems, even without the use of sedative though. What is it? Check out his review below ..
1. Foods rich in magnesium
Magnesium is another nutrient that can improve the quality of one's sleep. In fact, health experts suggest that calcium levels should not be increased without also increasing the magnesium content.
This is because without magnesium, high calcium levels can cause precipitation of calcium stones in different organs. Magnesium acts to close calcium channels of nerve cells, which in turn will reduce the transmission of nerve. When this occurs in the neurons of the central nervous system, it will produce a calming effect that can help facilitate sleep. If it occurs outside the brain, it will relax the muscles.
This could be the answer to why magnesium deficiency may cause restless leg syndrome and muscle spasms. Uncontrollable movements may interfere with sleep at night and cause insomnia. Therefore, foods rich in magnesium can lead a person to sleep soundly.
The relationship between magnesium and sleep soundly is already commonly found in infants. Therefore, magnesium not only increase the duration of sleep, but also improve sleep efficiency. This effect allows for a more restful sleep and feeling refreshed after waking. Foods that contain magnesium can be found in brown rice, green leafy vegetables, almonds, nuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.
2. Foods rich in calcium
Milk is one of the calcium-rich beverage that is good for the body. In fact, warm milk is a 'cure' insomnia is often recommended. The question is, how calcium can help one to sleep easily? The answer is to increase the production of melatonin. Melatonin is a neurohormone that contributes to the sleep-wake cycle. This hormone is released at night. This antioxidant hormone also helps calm the brain activity and make it easier for someone to sleep.
Calcium is not the only content of the milk that provides benefits to facilitate sleep. Milk is also rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that will be explained in the next session. In addition to milk, there are some other foods that are rich in calcium such as low-fat yogurt, almonds, spinach, cabbage, and fig.
3. Foods that contain L-Tryptophan
L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid that plays a dual role in brain chemistry. On the one hand, the amino acids are used as precursors to the synthesis of niacin, a B vitamin niacin can reduce depression and anxiety, two common causes of the occurrence of insomnia. Studies show that niacin supplementation can improve sleep quality.
Back again to the problem tryptofan, the mechanism of how tryptophan may improve sleep quality should involve serotonin and melatonin. Melatonin is produced from tryptophan by reaction 4 steps with serotonin as the intermediary. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is known to improve mood or mood. This in turn can make it easier for someone to sleep with the eliminate his depression.
Melatonin, however, is a hormone released from the pineal gland at night and sleep will directly accelerate. Melatonin also commonly used as a dietary supplement and sleep aid.
Foods that contain tryptophan are milk and dairy products, soy and various other soy products, eggs, seafood, lentils and beans, cooked cereals, and brown rice.
4. Foods containing complex carbohydrates
Foods containing complex carbohydrates known to contribute both to the daily sleep cycle. On the other hand, low-carbohydrate diet is known to cause insomnia. In contrast, complex carbohydrates can make the stomach full longer. In addition, complex carbohydrate foods contain many nutrients and can improve the quality of one's sleep. Complex carbohydrate foods can be found in whole grains, vegetables, cereals, and whole grains.
Complex carbohydrate foods can also provide additional benefits because of the low glycemic. This means that these foods offer a more stable glucose levels thereby preventing the occurrence of insomnia. Complex carbohydrates also contain tryptophan, which also can facilitate a person's sleep.
5. Foods rich in Vitamin B
Vitamin B is the most important vitamin for healthy sleep. Vitamin B deficiency is known to cause insomnia. Because B vitamins are essential cofactors for several enzymes, the B vitamins important for general health. This vitamin can improve mood disorders, reduce anxiety and promote sleep by stimulating the activity of serotonin, dopamine, GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) and melatonin.
Food sources of vitamin B include liver, kidney, beef, eggs, fish, leafy vegetables, yeast, wheat flour, brown rice, oatmeal, nuts, whole grains, seafood and poultry.
So, if you are insomniacs try some of the food on top. To accelerate sleep and insomnia so that you get well soon..